Carpet Cleaning

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What we do

When it comes to cleaning carpets, our Micwalis team is an expert in rejuvenating your carpet back to life. With our services you can bring back a fresh feel and look to your environment. Whether it means removing stains, eliminating harmful allergens and dirt, or deodorizing your carpet to create a nice clean scent in the room, Micwalis steams it all away to protect you and your investments.

Smoke, cooking oil, bacteria, and dust mites all collect in your carpets damaging the fibers, and some shampoos and detergents might cause further damage. Only deep, professional carpet cleaning can preserve the life and beauty of your investment.


Micwalis gives you the option to take advantage of carpet deodorizers, carpet repair and protective coating that will keep your carpet stain-free for longer. We specialize in giving your carpet a custom treatment that’s designed specifically for your carpet’s make and condition, and we’ll revive your carpet with the most powerful deep steam and dirt extraction possible.  

Our services include:

1. Clear the furniture from the area. (If Applicable)
2. Prepare your pets for cleaning professionals and new equipment.
3. We will vacuum the area and pretreat it for stain removal.
4. Steam cleaning your carpet will provide the best results.

  • Dirt

  • Food Spills

  • Allergens

  • Bacteria